New therapeutic support group
8 Monday evenings, starting on 29 September 2014.
7pm-9.30pm, Exeter
Divorce or the ending of a relationship can affect all area of our lives; emotionally, financially, family dynamics, self esteem, relationships, and the list goes on. It is also a time that can bring up distressing emotions and unresolved conflicts can linger, affecting new relationships, our general well being and how we feel about our life.
Thriving After Divorce
Therapeutic Support Groups and Weekend WorkshopsFor anyone needing support after a relationship breakupGroup led by Sandra Hailes BA, PG Dip in Psychotherapy, MBACP
During this 8 week Course We Will
Learn how to heal the past, and move on.Deal with strong emotions, and work with anger.Build healthy relationships. What’s love got to dowith it?Bring you up to date. Who are you now!Create a support structure.Explore dating, sexuality and blended families.Embrace your life and support you to move intoexciting, new directions.
ContactSandra Hailes07733 137484 www.sandrahailes.com